I've clearly got more pictures from the road trip to post, and plenty of more stories. I only wish I had more time to talk about them. I've found blogging to be fun, but with limited feedback, it can be a little lonely and have a feeling of self-indulgence. I figure I have three options:
1) Take full advantage of self-indulgence because really, who cares. Although, I suppose if I ever get a background check, someone might look into my blogged thoughts, so if I write about my cat all the time, it could come back to bite me. See, I'm already self editing.
2) Post less often - reduce the pain. Clearly, not an option
3) Post more interesting things. This would be an option if I had anything to say. Maybe, just maybe more things are coming my way, but in the meantime, the best I can do is...
Garden updates!!!
This works for options 1 & 3.
The garden survived our absence, but with the heat on, it has been suffering. The temperatures have been soring into the 90s (F) the last several days and the cucumbers, tomatoes, squash and beans are not happy. However, the okra seems to love it. This was the first time I'd ever seen okra plants or their lovely flowers. In the image above, the flower is very washed out - photo people: how to avoid this with cell phone camera? - anyhow, it is a light yellow with a morning glory like shape and striking pink center. The okra coming from the flower a short time later has been great.
Our sunflowers also greeted us home by being open upon our return. Sunflowers seem to be a small planet for bees. There almost always seems to be at least two on each plant and make for great viewing. The flowers are about the happiest thing in the world and quickly erase a long day at work from my memory. They're kind of like a hypno-toad without the guilt (see option 1 on posting strategies).
Today, we also harvested our second carrot. Really, this is two carrots. Something about amateurs in Virginia growing carrots always seems to result in cute vegetables; it is probably the clay. In this case, the two carrots seem have wrapped around each other for what seems to be comfort. Shhh... don't tell them they're going to be eaten. At least they'll go together.
New Jersey Again Leads Nation in People Leaving
9 years ago
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